Preparing for Preseason: 8 To-Do Items for Athletes

Besides training for preseason, there are so many factors athletes have to consider before arriving on campus and before preseason. For example, planning ahead for holidays and travel that happen over summer or winter breaks can help you stay on top of training.

Outside of sports, we have to consider so much: deciding what clothes to pack, making time to buy linens and dorm room necessities, finding out if we should bring a t.v. and/or mini fridge, confirming our class schedule won’t conflict with workouts… there are so many thingssss!

There are so many moving parts that we can check off the list before arriving on campus. Making sure those items get done will give you more time to focus on classes, preseason or training for your sport.

8 To-Do Items for Athletes… Before Preseason!

Organize your work schedule. Staying in shape over the summer was so important for me. I wanted to be ready for preseason in the fall, so I made sure to schedule my workouts around my work schedule. If you’re working a part-time job or have an internship, it’s important that you make time for conditioning and training so that you don’t have to cram workouts in before you report to camp.

Outline family obligations. I love my family, and I also loved knowing what my family obligations were when I wasn’t at school. Over the summer, there were many birthday parties, cookouts and other trips my family would squeeze in… and I loved it! Understanding what obligations during this time (for example, maybe you have to help a sibling move into his or her dorm?) will also help you avoid last-minute changes to your schedule.

Determine your budget. What funds do you have, or what money are you willing to spend to prepare for school? If you have your budget set in advance it will help you determine how much money you allocate towards needs (clothing, bath items, dorm necessities, etc.) and wants (tech gadgets, party outfits, etc.)

Confirm your courses. Have you met with your coaches, study hall advisors or academic advisors to make sure you’re on track to stay eligible academically? Have you confirmed they are in sync with classes so that they don’t interfere with training sessions scheduled by your program? If you haven’t worked these details out last semester, make sure you do before reporting to campus.

Schedule your transportation. If you don’t have your own car, have you arranged time with a parent, guardian or friend who can to bring you to school and help you move in? Knowing that you have a person or multiple helpers to assist you in unpacking and running errands will save you a ton of time on move-in day.

Know when move-in day is. For the most part, I moved in during the same time as college students, athletes and non-athletes. Will you have the opportunity to move in early with other athletes? If so, what day is that? It’s important to let your parents or helpers know when that date is so that they can be prepared as well.

Touch base with your roommate. It doesn’t matter if you’re moving in with a teammate, friend and/or non-athletic student. Understand who is bringing what items and what is approved by your school is clutch. Tv’s, mini-fridges, gaming consoles and more are all valuable items that you’ll want to have easy access to.

Be prepared for what your scholarship won’t cover. Even for those athletes who earn a ‘full ride’, there are still many things that are not covered by your scholarship. Make sure items like school supplies, techie things, clothes, bath items, and more are all purchased before report to preseason.

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