Last-Minute Holiday Gift Ideas for Your Loved Ones

If I’m being complete honest, there have been years when I’ve waited until then very last minute to get gifts for Christmas. This also applies to birthdays- but I’ll save that for another post. Sometimes the holiday creeps up on us, and while I’m so happy I finished a majority of my holiday shopping weeks before Christmas, there were some years where I struggled to find something creative or exciting for family members the day before Christmas, or the morning of!

If you’re still on the hunt for the perfect gifts for your family and friends, don’t worry! We’ve got you covered with these thoughtful last-minute gift ideas that are sure to bring joy to your loved ones.

Last-Minute Holiday Gift Ideas for Your Loved Ones

  • Digital Gift Cards. When time is of the essence, digital gift cards come to the rescue! Choose from their favorite stores, restaurants, or online platforms, and let them pick out exactly what they want. These gifts come in handy especially if you’re traveling or your gift recipients aren’t at home for the holidays. One less thing to pack or bring back home for you and your family or friends.
  • Subscription Services.   Consider gifting a subscription to a streaming service, audiobook platform, or magazine subscription. It’s a gift that keeps on giving throughout the year.
  • Experience Vouchers.  Give the gift of experiences! Purchase tickets to a concert, theater show, or a local event that your loved one would enjoy. Memories last a lifetime.
  • Gourmet Treats. Who doesn’t love a gourmet treat during the holidays? A  basket of gourmet chocolates, a selection of fine wines, or a box of artisanal snacks. Perfect for the foodies in your life! If you’re shopping the day before Christmas, you can find a bunch of stores that sell these items.
  • Cozy Winter Accessories. Help your friends and family stay warm and stylish with cozy winter accessories. Think scarves, gloves, and hats in festive colors or trendy patterns. We typically always lose a glove, or misplace a scarf or hat during the winter, so receiving a new pair is always a nice gift.
  • Personalized Gifts. Even at the last minute, you can add a personal touch. Consider personalized items like monogrammed mugs, custom photo calendars, or engraved jewelry. These are great gifts for those who are crafty.
  • Home Spa Kit. Create a spa-like experience at home with a thoughtful assortment of bath salts, scented candles, and pampering skincare products. Perfect for some post-holiday relaxation. Stores like Marshalls or Homegood’s are my go-to’s when picking up custom items on a budget.
  • Fitness Gear. Help your loved ones kickstart their New Year’s resolutions with fitness gear like resistance bands, yoga mats, or a stylish water bottle.
  • DIY Cookie Mix Jars. This is also a great gift to make the night before, or the day of if you’re really short on time.  In a pinch, a homemade touch can go a long way. Create layers of dry ingredients for cookies in a jar, attach a recipe, and voilà – a delicious and thoughtful gift.
  • Bookstore Gift Card. For the bookworms in your life, a bookstore gift card is a fantastic choice. Let them explore and choose the next literary adventure.
  • Gifts of service. This sounds really corny, but many times doing things for your family on Christmas can make a holiday so much better. Helping to set up before a party or raising your hand to do clean up or dishes can be an amazing gift to those who are hosting and could use an extra hand.
  • Food. Yes- I count food as gifts! Making a special treat or dessert like a pie, cookies, or other foods can be a great gift for a loved one.

Also, remember that the holiday season sometimes comes with stress. Below are ten ideas you can use if you’re feeling overwhelmed this year:

  1. Write. Journaling can be done on your phone, in a book, on your computer, mostly anywhere you go. There are many benefits to journaling which include improving your mental health, inspiring creativity, boosting your mood, and much more.
  2. Walk. If you’re an athlete, working out is not something I would advise on top of your current fitness expectations. Instead, going for low impact walk on your favorite trail or walk can work wonders.
  3. Draw. You don’t have to be talented to take out a pen or pencil to draw. You also don’t need art equipment- using an app on your phone, you can sketch, relieve stress, improve your fine motor skills, and release healthy emotions… all by drawing.
  4. Listen to Music. Music can be very therapeutic and help boost your mood. When I’m super stressed, I ditch my podcasts and open a playlist that helps me feel better. Within minutes my mood lightens and I can focus on getting back on track.
  5. Cook. Cooking can also help you release stress. When I was in college, I had one kitchen on my dorm room floor. When time permitted- I’d make easy things like sandwiches, oatmeal, mac and cheese, baked potatoes, and other treats that reminded me of home.
  6. Meditate. I wish I started meditating when I was younger. Meditation is great because you can do it mostly anywhere, at anytime, for as long as you want. Using an app to help guide your session can frame your thoughts and reduce stress.
  7. Sleep. Getting proper rest comes with so many healing benefits. Getting consistant and adequate sleep helps you fight the effects of stress.
  8. Unplug from social media. I’ve gone on many social media blackouts when I’m really stressed. If you have a habbit of doom scrolling, try stepping away from your social feeds for a bit.
  9. Practice gratitude. Focusing on what I have, what I’ve accomplished, and all of the blessings in my life helps me every day, especially when I feel overwhelmed.  On days when I’m stressed I list out all of the things I’m appreciative for, a practice that helps me put things into perspective and helps shift my focus away from stress and towards good things.
  10. Speak to a professional. Sometimes you can do everything within your power to minimize stress and it still isn’t enough. If you need help, seek out the help of a councilor or on-campus resources like a support group.  When you’re in a really tough spot, there is no shame in getting the help you need.

Finally, it’s the thought that counts, and these last-minute gift ideas are sure to bring a smile to the faces of your family and friends. Wishing you a Merry Christmas filled with love and joy!

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