Why Athletes Should Have A Brand

Creating a brand can seem like a really overwhelming process. I know firsthand how much student-athletes have on their plate. The pressure to stay eligible academically, to perform well in practice and during competitions, all while also thinking about other things like ‘what are my plans after school?’, ‘what type of job will I get?’, ‘where will I live after graduation?’ These are all things that were on my plate as an athlete and at the time, adding one more think like building a brand was the last thing on my mind.

It’s so great that student-athletes can now profit off of NIL and earn income just like their peers. Now athletes can start thinking about their financial future and the jobs they’ll be able to secure. To be successful with that you’ll need to create your own personal brand.

But why is that important? Why can’t athletes just start posting stuff and make money? This is why: defining your brand as an athlete can help you target a larger audience, be smarter about the work you do, and potentially, garner better and bigger partnerships than you would without a plan. Here are a few reasons why all student-athletes: high school, DI, DII and DIII should create their brand.

Why Should Athletes Have a Brand?


Being your true self can be challenging because its so easy to want to copy the style that other successful athletes or influencers are putting out there. The best way to stay consistent in creating your brand is to always present yourself the way you want to be seen and heard. Being your genuine self will make it easier for your to engage with your followers in a meaningful way

Being authentic also establishes trustworthiness. Building trust with your followers, partners and others will help you create great opportunities professionally and personally. How can you establish trust?

  • Being yourself 24/7. Don’t try creating a persona that isn’t authentic. Your followers will notice
  • Be selective. Only post content that resonates with you, and only partner with brands that you agree with
  • Be consistent. Its easier to build trust when you post regularly. This way your audience can depend on hearing from you or seeing you often

Identify your values

What types of characteristics or traits do you represent? Building a brand also helps you establish the values that you want to live by, a move that is super helpful just not for NIL earning opportunities, but for post-college opportunities as well.

Displays your integrity

Great brands established by athletes and successful individuals help define their principles. Your integrity is something that you hold close, and you don’t let other peers, business or associates influence it.

You tell your story

Establishing a brand will help you tell your story the way you want it told. As you move forward in your journey as an athlete, a professional or more, it’s important that you share parts of your experience that you want to share with your followers. This might include the high’s and lows of being an athlete, your excitement to apply for internships, beginning postseason play and more. By defining your story you can literally write the narrative that will engage wider audiences.

Building your brand while in school can put you at such a great advantage. By identifying the characteristics and qualities you value early on, you can create a brand that will enhance your NIL potential. You can modify your brand as you grow in your journey will help you personally and professionally.

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