18 Questions Athletes Should Ask During an Informational Interview

Informational Interviews are great opportunities to learn about jobs and careers.
For athletes, informational interviews can help you learn about an industry or a specific role, especially if you haven’t had many opportunities to secure internships or jobs during your playing days. Additionally, these types of meetings serve as networking opportunities, giving you one-on-one time with people who can help you along in your career.
If you’ve locked in a few minutes to meet with a person in the career field you’re interested in, use your time wisely. Prepare a bunch of questions to help you learn more about them, thier job, and the industry. Below are a few questions that you can ask to help you maximize your time.

18 Questions Athletes Should Ask During an Informational Interview

  1. What does your typical workday look like?
  2. What parts of your job do you find most challenging?
  3. What types of tasks do you enjoy most?
  4. How did you secure your current role?
  5. What are the most important steps I can take to prepare me for a role like yours?
  6. Are there any developments or industry trends that could affect opportunities at your company?
  7. Would my background as an athlete help me succeed in this role?
  8. Do you have any co-workers who are former athletes?
  9. What skills do you feel set you apart in this industry?
  10. Do you feel like your major helped you secure this role?
  11. What is the average salary range for this role?
  12. How do most people enter into this industry?
  13. What types of decisions do you make in your role?
  14. Considering my background, would I be a good fit in this company and/or profession?
  15. Is there somebody else I should speak with to learn more about this industry?
  16. What does your work/life balance look like?
  17. What is one thing you wish you knew before you started working in this industry?
  18. Can we stay in touch?
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